Snezhana Reizen is an interdisciplinary artist, improviser, and composer of experimental electronic music.
Was born in Poltava, Ukraine, studied in the Jazz school in Saint-Petersburg,
left for the "outplace"
has been active in the improvisational music scene since 2003, participating in art festivals and collectives, a co-founder of the music label "Abstand."
weaving threads with the flows permeating the everyday environment, i am woandering for the obscure possibilities in sonic materiality.
my basic sound sources are electricity discharges, magnetic fields, just fields, radio, feedback, crazy highlights, and inept intervals in sound synthesis.
this material can then appear as a springboard, a launching pad for a sonar discovery—a journey in search of something that would not represent this sound source itself, nor its functions or signifiers that can stick in one’s head, and even would not represent something particular else, but the very process of becoming.
technically, i’m analysing and real-time processing the pre-recorded material, using max msp and other software, mixing it with unprocessed sound, or shifting them together in time, speed, tone, etc. But not in order to find a finite position, exact facture, not to create a desired sonar event or a utopian dream (though it's, of course, a dream), rather to unfold an interior space of sensibility to sonar transmutations.
# experimental electroacoustics with a focus on sonic micro-events as artifacts, exposing the nerve of the imaginary.